Auto insurance is necessary for you to drive a vehicle. There’s even a state minimum for auto insurance. However, it might be a good idea to have additional coverage on top of your basic policy. An agent at Griffith Insurance LLP, serving the West Chester, PA region, can talk over the options with you.
Deductibles should be in place to provide coverage in the instance you get into a fender bender or some other type of accident that occurs with your automobile. It’s frustrating when you don’t have enough deductible coverage. Talk to your insurance agent about getting collision and comprehensive coverage. It can ease some of the panic that comes along with injuries and repairs.
Storage Insurance
If you have a vehicle that’s in storage, you may wonder if you should have insurance for it. This should be covered under regular comprehensive coverage. The insurance company should discuss what your comprehensive coverage entails. Just make sure to explain the exact situation so that they can provide you with the policy riders you may need. This should take care of damages from accidents such as fire, building collapse, and vandalism, among other unfortunate things that can happen.
This is for you to use if you cause an accident, and it includes property damage and bodily injury liability. This means it will cover the other party’s auto repairs and medical bills. However, it won’t cover you or passengers in your car if any of you happen to get injured or if the vehicle is damaged from the accident.
Some other types of auto insurance coverage you should have include personal injury protection (PIP), Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP), Emergency Roadside Assistance, and Mechanical Breakdown Insurance. Not all of these will necessarily be available from your insurance provider.
Reach out to Griffith Insurance LLP of West Chester, PA with your questions and concerns. Our team can assist you in getting started with the process right away.