Charting Your Course: The Essential Guide to Boat Insurance in Westchester, PA

Local boat owners must remain safe and secure amidst the excitement of navigating the serene local waterways of West Chester, PA.

Learn about boat insurance essentials and how to protect your floating investment from trusted local agents at Griffith Insurance LLP in the guide below. 

Boat Insurance Essentials for West Chester, PA Boaters

Insurance for floating vessels is similar to insurance for automobiles and recreational vehicles. Like car insurance, boat insurance offers a variety of coverage options that help local boat owners protect themselves, their passengers, their vessels, and their boating accessories when cruising around local waterways.

1. Liability Coverage for Boaters

Boating liability insurance provides a financial shield for boaters who cause damage to another boat, person, or property while operating their watercraft. It can protect boaters against related lawsuits, legal fees, and claims for medical expenses. 

2. Comprehensive Insurance for Boaters 

Comprehensive insurance offers a full coverage option that extends the limits of a boat liability insurance policy. Full coverage boat insurance can protect from boating accidents, natural disasters, theft, vandalism, and other non-collision-related incidents. 

Talk to a knowledgeable boat insurance agent to learn more about hull coverage, which can help offset the cost of repairs or replacement of your vessel. Also, learn more about what boat insurance policies cover boating components and accessories. 

3. Uninsured or Underinsured Boater Coverage

Much like auto insurance policies, underinsured and uninsured boater policies help protect policyholders from damages related to collision and non-collision-related incidents with other boaters without adequate insurance to cover the costs of damages or repairs. 

Contact a trusted boat insurance provider at Griffith Insurance LLP to learn about your coverage options and get a boat insurance quote today! 

Boat Insurance Common Myths Explained

There are facts and myths about many topics in life, including insurance. If you have looked into boat insurance, you have probably encountered some myths people seem to believe. Read on to find out some common myths and the facts that go along with them.

My homeowner’s policy covers my boat.

Home insurance only covers a very limited amount. Your home insurance policy only covers your boat when stored at your home. It doesn’t cover anything that comes from a collision or liability. If you get into an accident, your home insurance will not cover any of the costs related to the accident.

Boat insurance is universal.

Unlike other types of insurance, boat insurance is not universal. Most insurance companies will ask where you will be using your boat because some insurance policies have specific limits on where you can and can’t use it. If you take your boat somewhere that the insurance policy doesn’t cover, you will have to pay for the damage out of your pocket, defeating the whole purpose of boat insurance.

My auto-driving record doesn’t affect my boat insurance premium

Contrary to popular belief, your driving record does have an impact on your boat insurance. However, it does not affect your boat insurance in the way you might think. Insurance companies look at your driving record, and if it shows too many incidences of tickets, drugs, alcohol, etc., then they might decide not to insure your boat due to the risk.

Contact Griffith Insurance LP

If you want to get your boat insured, contact us at Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA for a quote today.

Is Boat Insurance Required in Pennsylvania?

In recent years, boating has exploded in popularity, with thousands of new enthusiasts taking to the waterways. If you have purchased a boat and reside in Pennsylvania, you’ve likely asked yourself – is boat insurance required? Boat insurance is not legally required in Pennsylvania. In fact, per the U.S. Coast Guard, only three states require boat owners to have insurance – Arkansas, Hawaii, and Utah. With that said, you’ll still want to purchase boat insurance, and your lender, if you are financing your boat or the marina that you plan to store it at, will likely mandate it. Even if they don’t, similar to how car insurance protects your vehicle, yourself, occupants, and others during an accident, boat insurance does too. 

Boat insurance typically includes "All Risk" coverage which protects against several disasters to your boats such as fire, theft, vandalism, sinking, or grounding. Most boat insurance policies will include the following:

  • Damage to Property: If your boat causes damage to another vessel or property, this coverage will help pay for those repairs.
  • Bodily Injury: Should your boat be involved in a collision that injures or kills a third party, this coverage will pay the medical bills and legal expenses associated with the accident up to your policy limits. 
  • Collision: If your boat is involved in a collision, this coverage pays for repairs or replacement
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Assists in paying repair costs if your boat sustains damages from an incident other than a collision, including fire, floods, natural disasters, and theft.
  • No Insurance/Under-Insured Third Party: If a third party damages your boat or causes injuries but lacks insurance, this coverage will help protect you. 

Give Griffith Insurance LLP in West Chester, PA a call for more information on boat insurance.

What Is Boat Insurance And What Does It Cover?

Boat insurance offers coverage to a sailboat, motorboat, or personal watercraft if it is stolen or damaged by a covered peril stated in your policy document. Boat insurance is not mandatory in Pennsylvania but acquiring boat insurance is paramount when exploring Pennsylvanian waters. 

You will enjoy the water, even more when you are not worried about the safety of yourself, your passengers, or your precious investment. West Chester, PA residents enjoy boating escapades throughout the region. As such, several residents have invested significantly in their watercraft vessels, thus requiring splendid protection for their investment and money with a spectacular boat insurance policy.

Types of boat insurance

Alertness in water is a paramount survival tactic as far as boating escapades are concerned. Regrettably, the aftermath of even a tiny lapse in judgment can result in a boat accident. As a matter of fact, statistics reveal that about 86 boating-related accidents in Pennsylvania do happen each year.

Fortunately, when you obtain boat insurance from Griffith Insurance LLP, the below options give you optimal coverage in and out of the waters.

  • Uninsured or under-insured boater liability: This policy protects you and anyone else using your watercraft for bodily injury and property damage caused by another boater who is inadequately insured or uninsured.
  • Equipment coverage: Some policies will accord you room to add coverage for special equipment such as high-valued fishing gadgets.
  • Disablement coverage: This coverage will cater to the costs of towing and conducting certain repairs if your watercraft becomes disabled.
  • Property damage liability: This policy safeguards against damage you may inflict on a third party’s property.
  • Medical payments coverage: This policy provides medical expenses such as hospital bills and medication arising from an accident and you or your crew is injured.

Make sure that your watercraft vessel is covered in West Chester, PA! Contact us or visit our Griffith Insurance LLP offices and get detailed information about boat insurance.


How Much Insurance Should I Carry On My Sailboat?

In West Chester, PA, you are not legally required to carry insurance on your boat. This means that if you want to sail without any coverage at all, you’re allowed to do that. It’s not advisable, but it is permitted.

It’s not advisable, because a sailboat is a big investment. We’re not talking about a two hundred dollar fishing raft, but something that may have cost you twice or three times the value of your car. That’s an investment that you want to protect, so you’re going to want to get coverage. Experts generally recommend the following provisions:

  • $1,000,000 in liability coverage. You’ll typically be recommended to carry more than this if you drive a fast powered boat, but for a sailboat, this should be enough.
  • Collision and comprehensive to be based on the value of your boat.
  • Gap and replacement coverage should be considered, especially if you’re still paying your boat off.
  • Uninsured/underinsured coverage. You’ll want to discuss this with your insurer to settle on a good number, but a minimum of $10,000 is typically recommended. As we said, West Chester, PA boaters are not required to carry insurance, so you may wind up needing to tap this.

While you are legally allowed to sail to your heart’s content without insurance, it’s not advisable. There’s a lot that can happen out there on the open water, and you don’t want to be holding the bill when your sailboat suffers damages.

If you’re looking to get your boat covered, get in touch with Griffith Insurance LLP. Griffith Insurance LLP can help you to get the coverage you need so that you can cruise the waters with your mind at ease the next time you head out.