Plan Your Condo Insurance Inspection

Embarking on a comprehensive inspection of your condominium can help identify risks that might need additional insurance coverage. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively for your condo insurance inspection.

Prepare a Checklist of Potential Issues

Prepare a list of potential issues that need addressing before the inspection. For instance, if you reside in an area prone to severe weather, it might be worth bringing this up during the inspection. Your inspection will encompass entranceways, living areas, and personal belongings within your condominium. Identifying any problems during this process could lead to the need for supplemental condo insurance.

Create a Pre-Inspection Cleaning Plan

Ensure your condo is clean and easily navigable during the inspection. Remove any loose items that might hinder the inspector’s ability to evaluate your space thoroughly. Maintain your condo in a state that accurately depicts your normal living conditions.

Consider Storage Options

The inspector will also assess the storage arrangements in your condominium. You should have satisfactory storage options in place for any valuable items you own. If you lack the space to safeguard your possessions adequately, the inspector may provide guidance on storage upgrades. This advice can help protect your belongings, thereby helping manage your insurance risk.

Seeking Further Assistance

You might still have questions about condo insurance and determining the appropriate level of coverage. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our agents at Griffith Insurance LLP. Serving the West Chester, PA, region, our agents are ready to address any concerns you may have leading up to the acquisition of your condo insurance policy.